Friday, April 16, 2010

Tempermental Musician

what are 5 things everyone should know about u?
1. I come from a musical family

2. I would rather be outdoors than in

3. Carbon 14 dating has confirmed that there is some dirt that is older than me

4. I love making things

5. I'm usually the quiet one

do you have any art or computer training or skills? I learned CAD design on Cadkey and Pro-Engineer for my job as an engineer. My last art class was in the 8th grade, sometime in the last century. (That sounds so long ago!)

what programs do you use to make your designs? I use Photoshop almost exclusively.

what is the best advice you ever got from another shopkeeper? It's either to make sure my work has "copyright" on it, or to move from Cafepress to Zazzle. (I think you gave me that advice.)

if you were introduced to someone at a party and they were wearing one of your products what would you do/say? Hi, that's a nice design on your shirt. Where did you get it?

If you were buying a birthday present for someone and could choose anything on zazzle that was NOT in your shop - what would you pick and why? There is so much on Zazzle, and such a variety. I would try to get something that fits that person's interest or personality. I already bought a shirt for my son's girlfriend that says "I'm not small, I'm fun size!" and a mug that has a cat on it for my wife that says "Mewsician in training!"

list your zaazle shops:
tempermentalmusician's Store at Zazzle
musicall's Store at Zazzle
danger_instrument's Store at Zazzle
awesome_musician's Store at Zazzle
leanmeangreen's Store at Zazzle
music_major's Store at Zazzle
musicalendar's Store at Zazzle

Pick 3 products to feature

Smiley Notes shirt
Smiley Notes by TempermentalMusician
Many more t-shirts online at zazzle

Editors Picks

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