Tell me 5 things everyone should know about you
1 I'm a violinist by profession and can't believe my good fortune to have a life of playing in symphony orchestras.
2 I'm not too sure how much free will any of us truly have, even though it might feel as if we do...
3 I never fail to be amazed when someone buys something I've made.
4 I love being proven wrong.
5 I believe that everything matters, and nothing matters.
How and when did you find zazzle?
I noticed Zazzle being mentioned on another POD site; it sounded intriguing. I joined in January of 2009.
If you were watching the news and the man on the street interview was wearing your shirt what would you do?
I'd kick myself for not being prepared to record what I was watching and then, depending on the time of day, I'd
drink either an espresso or a glass of wine (or both) in celebration.
What is the best advice you received since starting zazzle?
To download and read the words of wisdom contained in a manual written by the incomparable Zazzler whose shop
goes by the name of softproduct
What programs do you use to make your designs?
Photoshop, Illustrator, Irfanview, Livebrush,, PhotoScape
If you had to pick a birthday card for someone, from any shop that is NOT yours, which would you pick and why?
would be my choice. What an evocative scene - I feel that this artist is a master at
channeling emotion onto the canvas, and I should also confess that I have some ties to the corner of the world that is being portrayed in that
image. It's very compelling for me and something I would happily share as a birthday greeting.
List your shops:
missprinteditions's Store at Zazzle
Pick three designs to be featured:
Editors Picks
A thousand thanks for this, Shopa, as well as for all the assistance and encouragement you're always providing; it's so appreciated.