Tuesday, June 5, 2012


You ShopID or Shop name as you wish it to appear on the title *
Are you a Zazzle Proseller? *
Do you zazzle from your.... *
  • Desktop Mac
What is your favorite design from your shop to create - even if it is not a best seller? and why is it your favorite? *


I've loved the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ever since I first read the books. When I got the idea to make a series of images featuring places to eat from science fiction books, Milliway's came to mind right away. In my mind, Milliway's has a 1950s tacky Palm Springs or Las Vegas feel, so I let mu imagination run wild with a Vegas neon sign.

I then thought of the tourist shirts that have a cheesy slogan, and again the idea came instantly: I had a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster at Milliway's -- and Lived.

I don't remember if Milliway's had a gift shop, but if they did, they would definitely sell these!

What sites do you use to promote your zazzle store? (directly or indirectly - such as sites you use to promote your blogs which promote your store) *
  • Wordpress self hosted
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • G+ (google+)
  • Facebook pages
  • Squidoo
  • Linkedin
  • Personal webpage
If you could get your item on any TV show - which item would it be and what show would it be on....and why??? *


I watch very little TV, but this is a shirt that could work on several geeky shows, such as Big Bang Theory, or any show with a science fiction theme. It makes me think of an old kid's show, Zoom, which featured kids exploring the world, doing interesting experiments, etc. The words around the false-color image of the sun, "The Sun is a mass Of incandescent gas" are from "The Sun Song" made popular by the group They Might be Giants.

This image is available on shirts for all ages and sizes, and a wide variety of other products.

Do you prefer to work.... *
  • Early morning
  • Late morning
  • Early afternoon
How did you find zazzle - and what kept you going with it? *

I came up with the idea for he image on my Union of Mad Engineers shirt, and went looking for a quality way to get it printed. I discovered another POD first, but quickly moved to Zazzle, and never looked back!
I create images by... *
  • Drawing them in the computer in an art program
  • Creatively using text only
Please list your shop(s) url(s)

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