Saturday, May 25, 2013


You name or Shopid *
Which PODs do you work with? (in no particular order *
  • cafepress
  • zazzle
  • photo4me
  • estoremonster
  • imagekind
  • skreened
  • inktastic
  • wordans
How long have you been working with PODs? *
6-8 years
What is the best thing about working with PODs *

I can work my own hours and see my creations come to life on a variety of products. If I sell something I get a huge buzz knowing that somewhere out in the real world somebody is wearing or using a product with my designs or art on it. That is what keeps me going ,and as my shops and websites grow so does it's value as a domain.. Being completely self taught though is the biggest buzz for me,besides being a qualified commercial artist and sign writer with a 30 year background in photography.. I knew absolutely nothing about computers or graphics programs when I started this venture which I stumbled upon quite by accident while in an extremely abusive relationship.of which I was to scared to go to sleep at night for fear of being bashed or shot (which in the end almost happened)... Podding was my escape and my online friends became my saviors.. Seven years later here I am still learning, and still loving it

How many hours do you spend on your POD(s) - including designing, adding & promoting - on average *
60+hours per week
what would you say to another POD artist who is struggling and in need of motivation? *

Not to worry to much about being successful, just do what you love to do ,and that is create art !Try not to stress out over problems to do with Pods ,there is always some sort of issue or balls up going on.I used to pull my hair out if something technical went wrong .. thank God I have overcome that..If I am not motivated to create any art or make products I try to spend time promoting .Try to manage your time wisely. Lots of people make lists of what they need to do but I find this very overwhelming and feel like a failure if I don't finish the list each day or week..because I am to damn organized usually.. So I try to promote in the mornings ( while the coffee is kicking in) work for a bit in the shops during the day and create at night.It doesn't always work out like that though. but the trick is don't sweat it if it doesn't . as long as you love what your doing . some days I don't work at all and this can be for months at a time but that is just the way I flow these days ..remember there is life outside the home and away from the comp and pods . it is all about balance!

Do you have any formal training or education in POD related fields? *
  • No - I am self taught
If I won the super jackpot lottery tomorrow I would... *
Keep working my POD's for fun
My zazzle stores are:

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