Store Name * | maryandjesus |
How do you create/edit the designs you place for sale on zazzle? * |
What is the most important thing you have learned since starting on zazzle? * | Someone once said, "If you want something fone right, do it yourself". They were absolutely correct. |
Do you consider yourself an Artist selling art, or a Business person selling products which happen to be art? * | Both - every product contains art, even if it is not in my taste I will offer it for sale, since that is what the customers want |
What do you enjoy most about zazzle? * | When I have a serious question, I can always call their support team. They have always been nice and helpful. |
When working on zazzle you... * | have the TV going in the background |
What is your favorite thing to do when not Zazzling? * | I go to a pool three days a week for therapy for my neck and back. I love being in the water. |
What promotion do you use? * |
List your Shops * |
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