Monday, June 20, 2011


Your shopid/name *
When did you start zazzling? *
2-3 years
What is something special you have bought - or would like to buy with your zazzle income? *
I usually use my earnings to buy art supplies, presents for friends or items for my house.
I want zazzle to be my
What types of education do you have that helps with Zazzle? *
  • No Past Experience - I am learning as I go!
What is the best advice you have seen, or received about zazzling? *
The best advice depends on what your goals are. My goal is to enjoy myself so I do what I love and that is drawing or painting whatever pops into my head at the moment and then applying it to different products on Zazzle.
Where do you live? *
What types or designs do you offer? *
  • Clipart only
  • Handdrawn/scans or photos of paintings only
  • Text & Handdrawn
  • Text & Clipart
List your shops *

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