Saturday, November 6, 2010

suburban scenes

Shop Name/Your Name *
Are you addicted to zazzle
Yes...and I admit it I need to get back to zazzle before the withdrawl kicks in...
Which format works best for you when organizing your store(s)
Catch all Store - with a variety of designs on different topics and subjects
Which is the best definition of your style
Quality over Quantity - a small variety of well designed products - I only add products that are 100% Perfect.
What advice would you give a new shopkeeper? (write as much or as little as you would like) *
Design a variety of items, keep it original to you. And keep making the ones that sell best, figure out what your themes are.
What product in your store best matches your current mood? (link to product page please) *
what does that even mean?
Is zazzle a hobby or a job?
Part Time Income - zazzle is a part time job for me, I need the money i make here to make ends meet so I don't have to go find a second job.
List your shops - please include the http:// in from and use the .com extension

example *

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