Sunday, May 10, 2015


You shop name *
What PODs do you use *
  • Zazzle
  • PAOM
  • OArtee
  • Other
How long have you been a POD shopkeeper? *
1-3 years
What is the best advice you would give to someone who is new to PODs? *

For anyone just starting up on POD (Product On Demand) stores I would firstly and foremost say don't do it if you want to get rich quick or even get rich slowly.

However if you love designing and are prepared to put in a lot of hard work, not just designing but researching, promoting and if your like me learning new techniques etc; then it's a fabulous way to earn yourself enough to pay a few bills, have a few treats and feel good about people appreciating your designs.

There is plenty of how to information on the Zazzzle help centre and I would advise you make the most of this along with the Zazzle forum where most people are very friendly and happy to help if you need advise on anything.

Some advise which I wish I had had when I first started was be organized, keeping records of what designs you have used on what products for example. When I started out I never dreamt that I would make so many designs and have so many products to sell and now I find it hard to remember what designs I have put on what products.

In an average week how many hours do you put into designing, adding, promoting and all other parts of your POD business? *
15-30 hours
Pick a fun question to answer - *
Where do you get inspired the most?
Answers to the chosen question -

What inspires me? well I would like to tell you that I get inspired from country walks, mother nature, travel and the like.
However if I am truthful I get inspiration from trawling internet sites like Pinterest and following the latest fashions and styles in bricks and mortar shops.

When I see pictures/graphics on products I like, I don't copy them because that would feel like steeling but I do use them as a base and usually come up with something completely different.

I love to look at vintage and retro designs these and whimsical cute kids stuff inspire me most of all and I am sure that anyone who visits my store will probably see this straight away.

I love it when I come up with a new design, each time I think that this one is the best I have ever done; its bound to be a seller.

In reality the ones that I am not that pleased with tend to be the ones that sell, there is just no accounting for taste.

What art programs do you use? *
  • Other
Your Favorite design on Zazzle *
What is your newest design? *